
Wagner Cattle is a long time client of Caswell Nutrition. Dr. Caswell designs feeding program formulation for every phase of the animal's life, and develops an array of feeding options and solutions for very diverse and challenging situations. Dr. Caswell's clients range from other cow/calf operations, to backgrounders—grow yards—and feedlots from Illinois, Missouri and Kansas.

Caswell Nutrition is registered in Missouri as a growyard and feedlot consulting company providing management advice and nutritional products, and operating totally independent of branded feed dealers. This allows custom formulation, bid solicitation and product manufacturing with a number of regional feed plants, and permits complete control of pricing, keeping our services and products competitive.

Larry Caswell, PH.D., Beef Nutritionist

  • Trained in beef nutrition at Southern Illinois University and Virginia Tech
  • Lifelong involvement in the cattle industry, 37 years experience in the feed industry
  • Range nutritionist for the University of Florida and feedlot nutritionist for three major midwestern feed manufacturers
  • Retained ownership and cattle placement management in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois for two major feed manufacturers
  • Trained in feeder cattle, fed cattle and slaughter cow evaluation by the NLGMA and USDA
  • Feed industry and university recognition in beef nutrition research
  • More than 180 leaflets and articles on feeding management and marketing; periodic contributor to cattle trade publications
  • Periodic ownership in cow-calf, stocker, slaughter cow and finishing enterprises
  • Has provided formulation and management services to more than 120 growyards and feedlots in Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida

Backgrounder & Feedlot Services

  • Evaluation of feeding and marketing options based upon suitability of cattle
  • Breakeven and profit projections
  • Feeding program formulation, implementation, and monitoring of performance
  • Monitoring of incoming ingredient quality, feed mixing accuracy, and feeding management
  • Sourcing and formulation for alternative feedstuffs
  • Assistance in screening emerging technologies with resulting data reported via periodic technical leaflets
  • Periodic inspection and reporting of cattle performance and well-being to owners
  • Liaison for retained ownership financing
  • Custom development of batching, ingredient inventory, intake graphing, performance tracking and closeout programs
  • Possibility of periodic feeding of two or more pens of cattle as a product development venture

Contact Dr. Caswell at (573) 590-2048.